Change Log
All notable changes to AlazarDSO are listed here.
[2.1.3] - 2023-7-5
- Support for ATS9428.
- Support for external clock for ATS9364.
- Support for ATS9442.
- Remove support for 180MS/s on ATS9437 and ATS9637.
- Remove support for 1GS/s on ATS9470 and ATS9473.
- Disable single-port acquisitions for boards that support dual-port memory.
- Issue on ATS9628 where setting records larger than 524288 samples caused GetOverlappedResult() to return error 1450.
- Issue introduced in v2.1.2 where AlazarDSO would not start with some leader/follower systems. An "Internal AlazarDSO Error" dialog would appear.
- Fix Power monitor table.
- Intermittent display of board temperature in "indicator bar".
- Issue with Save As Binary FFT data where wrong number of bins were saved.
[2.1.2] - 2022-8-5
- Regression introduced in v2.1.0 where running AlazarDSO may put digitizers in an invalid state, causing wrong data to be acquired.
- Issue where the NPT and Traditional acquisition modes in the "Stream to memory" wizard would not be applied to the board in some instances. This would cause some acquisitions requested as NPT to actually be run as Traditional and vice versa.
- Issue where external clock combo box is empty with ATS9470 and ATS9473 boards.
[2.1.1] - 2022-3-29
- Support for ATS4001.
- Support for ATS9280.
- Support for ATS9182.
- Issue where data acquired with FIFO boards could be corrupted in some instances.
- Regression introduced in v2.0.0 where selecting a 10 MHz PLL reference for ATS600 would yield an "Unable to generate a 100 MHz sample clock from a 10 MHz reference" error.
[2.1.0] - 2021-12-13
- Support for ATS9874.
- Support for ATS9473.
- Display board temperature in AlazarDSO's "indicator bar".
- Install release notes and manual with AlazarDSO.
- Error calculation in the reflections test. Negative spikes are now ignored.
- Update the AlazarRemoteConnect client. It now uses TeamViewer 15.
- ATS9470 channels count set to 4.
- Issue where 10 MHz reference could not be used with ATS9462.
- Issue where data acquisition with ATS9625 and ATS9626 board could result in bad data.
- Issue where boards with 8K memory appear as FIFO.
- Issue where stopping and starting an acquisition disables DES mode while using external clock.
[2.0.3] - 2021-6-3
- Support for uncalibrated channels.
- Support for ATS9628
- Support for ATS9470.
- Add desktop icon by default with version number.
- ATS9872 board properties.
[2.0.2] - 2021-1-13
- Support for ATS9353
- Support for ATS9872
- Setting colors for channels 17-64
- Support for 2.4 GHz sampling rate on ATS9453
- Support for internal clock PLL on ATS9453
- Regression introduced in version 2.0.0 where acquisition using custom clock and dual edge sampling doesn't work. This regression affected the boards ATS9358, ATS9360, ATS9370, ATS9371 and ATS9373.
- Regression introduced in version 2.0.0 that causes AlazarDSO to fail when starting on master/slave systems.
- Regression introduced in version 2.0.0 where the power monitor status dialog box is not displayed correctly. This regression affected the following boards: ATS310, ATS315, ATS330, ATS335, ATS460, ATS660, ATS665, ATS850, ATS855, ATS860, ATS9434, ATS9870, ATS9350, ATS9325, ATS9440, ATS9410, ATS9351, ATS9310, ATS9461, ATS9462, ATS9850, ATS9625, ATS9626, ATS9360, ATS9358, ATS9416.
- Issue where first record can be corrupted when using stream to memory wizard in triggered streaming or continuous streaming mode.
- Issue where the browse file dialog box doesn't display all channels read from the file.
- Regression introduced in version 2.0.0 where 1 MOhm impedance can be used on ATS9870 and ATS9850.
- Reformat how Board Options are displayed in F4 screen.
- Issue introduced with the extended serial number implementation where the serial number infix was invalid on PCI boards.
- Issue introduced with the extended serial number implementation where the serial number prefix is '?' instead of 'S'.
- Issue introduced in version 2.0.1 where sampling rates greater than 1 GS/s in internal clock can be selected on ATS9371 board.
- Fix null offset calibration task.
- Fix Icon view in "Apps & Features" Windows panel.
- Issue where negative value can be used to enter trigger delay in horizontal dialog box, giving an invalid value when reopening the dialog box.
- Issue introduced in v2.0.0 where automatic input range use bad input ranges and show "Out of range" message.
- Issue introduced in v2.0.0 where 200 mV input range is not available on ATS9440.
- Issue introduced in v2.0.0 where calibration is not working for boards ATS310, ATS330, ATS460 and ATS850.
- Issue introduced in v2.0.0 where external clock level doesn't work on ATS460.
- Use of extended serial number. This means that boards like ATST371 will now appear with a T86XXXX serial number in the interface instead of S86XXXX.
[2.0.1] - 2020-6-9
- Make dual-port AutoDMA the default acquisition mode on boards that support it
- Chart title in HTML report of frequency response test
- Regression introduced in version v2.0.0 where serial number is not displayed correctly in the "Board Properties" window (only the last digits of the serial number were displayed)
- Regression introduced in version v2.0.0 where the application did not start in Windows 7
[2.0.0] - 2020-4-17
- Support for board config and calibration databases
- Support for ATS9437
- Support for ATS9618
- Support for ATS9358
- Support for ATS9146
- Support for ATS9373 v1.7
- Support for AlazarOCTIgnoreBadClock
- NPT with dual-port memory data source for ATS9352
- Support for API_LOG_CLEAR to let ATSApi clear the log files
- Regression introduced in v1.1.76 where the simulator would produce bogus data in some instances in AutoDMA mode.
- Memory size in title bar when size is greater than 2G Samples
- Issue where an alert would appear in AlazarDSO's log file: Failed to initialize security. Error code = 0x80010119
- Issue where loading a binary reference trace could cause crashes
- Calibration for boards without driver EEPROM databases.
- Issue where pre trigger value is not set on the board.
- Issue where clock source already goes back to "Internal / Select sample rate".
[1.1.78] - 2019-2-14
- Single port wrapper support
- 20sec and 50sec horizontal display ranges
- Add Ground coupling support
- External trigger dialog box update
- Disable check box of record headers and footers if not supported
- Device 1 AIN 1 power monitor channel for ATS9371
[1.1.77] - 2018-8-30
- Traditional mode support for ATS9120 and ATS9130
- Update of record trigger position in "Stream To Memory" and "Stream To Disk" wizards
- Spanish language
- External trigger range (Add impedance to labels and add 5V 300Ohm)
[1.1.76] - 2018-7-31
- Support for ATS9352
- Support for ATS9130
- Support for unipolar input ranges
- Add multiport and DSP interface in register access menu
- Calibration station mode for internal use
- Regression where boards with 4G memory would appear as 3G in the title bar.
- Issue where configuration files and exported data text files could depend on the locale of the computer running AlazarDSO.
- Issue with some localized dialogs that causes them not to appear.
[1.1.75] - 2018-4-18
- Support for up to 64-channels per board system
[1.1.74] - 2018-2-14
[1.1.73] - 2017-12-12
- Indicates OS version and architecture in F4 screen
- Add support for ATS9120
- Support for ATS9371
- Ensure that a dot is used as a decimal separator in text files exported from AlazarDSO irrespective of the computer's locale.
- Fix trigger enable feature.
- Fix issue that would make the "File | Save As..." menu output "improper argument" errors on some systems.
[1.1.72] - 2017-1-12
- Support data packing in Stream to Memory
- Add support for NPT footers
- Add support for dual-buffer mode for streaming Changes
- Various improvements in the calibration module.
- Boards that have AutoDMA Traditional and AutoDMA NPT modes are set to Traditional upon "Configure | Load Defaults"
[1.1.71] - 2015-12-18
- Unify pre-trigger support accross all modes.
[1.1.70] - 2015-12-3
- Remove on screen activation of logging API calls and changed text to "API Log".
- Remove "Tools->Auto Setup..." menu item.
- Remove "Tools->Calibration->Trigger Sweep..." menu item.
- Move "Tools->Calibration->Spectrum Information..." to "Tools->Digital Signal Processing".
- Remove "Tools->Stream To Disk..." feature.
- Fix a bug when setting FFT size to 4M and maximizing display, which made the Hyper data buffer overflow.
- Fix a bug in checking ATS9416 input range.
[1.1.69] - 2015-9-9
- Enhances the board calibration error messages for plugin connection issues.
- Adds git commit hash in the about dialog.
- Fixes calibration issues with ATS9626 v1.2 and above.
[1.1.68] - 2015-9-2
- Preliminary support for NPT pre-trigger.
- Support for ATS962X version 1.2 and above.
[1.1.67] - 2015-6-25
- Make 'Stream to Memory' transfer rate check only an advice.
[1.1.66] - 2015-6-17
- Add phase noise measurement to spectrum information dialog.
[1.1.65] - 2015-6-5
- Add "Reset" button to the board calibration wizard "Mode" page.
- Add a pulse measurement task to the data verification wizard.
- Display a notification message if an acquisition is stopped because the system will enter a low power state.
- Update factory calibration wizard "Verify 10 MHz PLL internal clock" and "Verify 10 MHz PLL external clock" tasks to support advanced 10 MHz PLL mode.
- Modify ATS9625 / ATS9626 external clock input lower frequency limit.
- Fix a bug in the board calibration wizard that might cause a program to stop responding while generating html reports with unexpected power correction data.
[1.1.64] - 2015-4-21
- Bug introduced in v1.1.62 that caused the "Stream to memory" wizard not to save files.
- Fix "Stream to memory" wizard to export files using the folder, format, and options specified in "File options" page.
[1.1.63] - 2015-4-14
- Fix bus benchmark wizard to restore internal sample rate after benchmark complete.
- Change ATS460 and ATS660 minimum samples per record from 256 to 128.
[1.1.62] - 2015-3-31
- Add FPGA type to ATS9373 board name.
- Add "acquire until aborted" to the "stream to disk" wizard "file options" page.
- Update power monitor plugin to support ATS9373.
- Add "alternate clock phase" option to Board Information dialog.
[1.1.61] - 2015-2-19
- Add support for stopping acquisitions before the system enters a low power state.
- Change calibration reports and the "board information" dialog report two digit FPGA and CPLD minor version numbers.
- Fix a memory allocation bug affecting boards that have on-board memory but only support -FIFO acquisition modes (like the ATS9360-4G).
[1.1.60] - 2015-1-16
- Add a "Configure Input Enables" button to the "Configure Input" dialog.
- Change the acquisition mode text on the display canvas to have a fixed width.
- Change the "File | Export" dialog so that only the currently displayed record from the currently displayed buffer is saved when the "Currently displayed" record option is selected.
[1.1.59] - 2014-12-22
- Add a "Find" command to "Edit" menu to allow searching for sample points of interest in waveform data.
- Add a "Dynamic response dual edge sampling" task to factory calibration wizard.
- Add a "Debugging" sub-menu to the "Tools" menu, and a "Trace" indicator to the main screen to control logging functions calls into ATSApi.DLL.
- Add "Enable / Disable other channels" menu items to channel marker right-click context menus.
- Change ATS9871 input range mode to +/-250 mV.
- Update file size and transfer rate validation in "Stream to Disk / Memory" wizards to work with data packing.
- Fix a bug in "Disk / Bus Benchmark Wizard" charts where 1 in N points rather than all N points were plotted if a large number of points were measured.
[1.1.58] - 2014-11-18
- Add sample packing option to "Configure Acquire" dialog and "Stream to Disk / Memory" wizards.
- Add the following factory calibration wizard tasks: verify inputs dual edge sampling (DES), calibrate inputs DES, measure offset DES, and null offset DES.
- Change "Configure Acquire" dialog and "Stream to Disk / Memory" wizards to disable Traditional AutoDMA if a board does not have on-board memory.
- Update calibration reports to include the board PCB version.
- Update factory calibration wizard dynamic response task to optionally adjust signal frequencies to prevent alias masking and average FFTs.
- Update maximum file size to support Windows 8.1 and later.
- Fix a bug in the factory calibration wizard "frequency response" task that might cause the wizard to hang while creating a report if the "load power data from file" was also enabled.
- Update the factory calibration wizard to not request signal frequencies below the digitizer bandwidth lower limit during clock verification tasks.
[1.1.57] - 2014-10-9
- Increase default AutoDMA buffer size to 64 MB.
- Add "Verify auxiliary IO" and "Measure external trigger level" to the factory calibration wizard.
- Update board calibration, bus benchmark, and disk benchmark wizards to generate HTML reports with in-line image data.
- Update bus benchmark wizard to set default parameters appropriate for the expected bus speed.
- Update board calibration wizard to add upper frequency limit for 1 MOhm impedance.
- Update AlazarRemoteSupport to TeamViewer QS 9.0.32494.
- Fix a bug introduced in v1.1.55 that disabled on-board memory for ATS9870.
- Fix power monitor plug-in nominal value for ATS9360 device 1 input 5.
[1.1.56] - 2014-8-1
- Update "Configure | Horizontal" dialog to add support for 10 MHz PLL internal clock, and dual edge sampling. These options require ATS driver version 5.9.20 or later.
- Add the following tests to the factory calibration wizard: "Verify PLL internal clock", "Verify PLL internal clock dual edge sampling", "Verify PLL external clock dual edge sampling", "Verify fast external clock dual edge sampling".
- Change ATS9360 and ATS9370 record length alignment to 128 samples.
- Fix the horizontal scale in frequency response charts where the lower frequency limit was set to a value greater than the minimum measurement frequency when the user-defined minimum measurement frequency was not a power of 10.
- Change PCI Express link speed text from Gbps (gigabits per second) to GT/s (gigatransfers per second).
- Fix a bug in the "stream to disk wizard" affecting master-slave board systems that would lead to a program crash if one or more boards had no enabled channels.
- Change bus benchmark wizard to not perform board configuration before benchmark.
[1.1.55] - 2014-7-22
- Fix ATS9360 and ATS9370 external clock upper frequency limit for boards with 2 GHz ADCs.
[1.1.54] - 2014-6-30
- Update the board calibration wizard PSU verification to find min, max, and average values over multiple measurements to detect unstable power supplies.
- Update the board calibration wizard frequency response verification to allow manually setting the 0 dB reference voltage.
- Update the power monitor plugin to support the ATS9370.
- Fix support for dual-edge sampling with ATS9370-4G in single-port mode.
- Fix a bug in the board calibration wizard "measure uni-polar position" report where both the minimum and maximum measurements were reported as out-of-range if the minimum measurement was out-of-range.
- Fix a bug in the board calibration wizard "verify calibration" report affecting the display of offset and null offset DAC values.
- Remove AXI9870 +/-20V 10 MOhm input range.
- Fix the "board option" text in board calibration and bus benchmark reports to include missing options.
- Update "Configure Acquire" to always use FIFO streaming with ATS9370-4G.
[1.1.53] - 2014-3-20
- Add support for dual-edge sampling.
- Update "Configure Acquire" to always use FIFO streaming with ATS9360-4G.
- Fix the board calibration wizard to draw log charts with one data point correctly.
[1.1.52] - 2014-3-5
- Add support for software and hardware digital filters to Tools menu.
- Add support for AXI9870: 8-bit per sample, up to 1 GS/s, 2-channel PXI digitizer.
- Add "Show DAC values" option to include DAC values in DC calibration reports.
[1.1.51] - 2014-1-9
- Add support for ATS9370: 12-bit per sample, up to 4GS/s per channel, 2-channel PCIE digitizer.
[1.1.50] - 2014-1-7
- Add support for samples rates up to 4 GSPS.
- Add load, save, and reset calibration settings to factory calibration mode.
- Add minimum and maximum expected values to board calibration reports.
- Add support for dragging calibration tasks in factory calibration mode to select the task sequence.
- Fix SFDR and worst spur calculations in "Spectrum Information" dialog to include non-DC harmonics.
- Abort acquisition if Windows is shutting down.
- Fix Plugin.dll to save data from all input channels. This bug was introduced in version 1.1.27.
[1.1.49] - 2013-11-7
- Add "Stream To Memory" wizard to "Tools" menu. Use this tool to stream acquisition data to system memory, then save it to disk. It allows streaming when the data acquisition rate is greater that the disk write speed, given sufficient system memory.
- Add "sin(x)/x interpolation" option to the "Configure | View | Oscilloscope" dialog box. Use this option to display smooth curves between sample points rather than line segments.
- Add "lastcal" command line option to re-run the board calibration wizard on program startup.
- Add a "do not prompt" option to the manual board calibration plugin to allow offset calibrations with no user intervention.
- Fix the bus benchmark wizard calculation of the transfer rate during the first measurement interval.
- Fix board calibration wizard power supply measurement for ATS9870 which incorrectly reported ADC temperature value (device 3 AIN1).
- Fix a bug under 64-bit Windows where pressing the "Help" button in wizards and property sheets did not display on-line help information.
- Fix decimation text in Japanese version of "Configure Horizontal" dialog .
[1.1.48] - 2013-9-9
- Add "verify power supply" to factory calibration wizard.
- Add calibration due date to the "Board Properties" dialog.
- Add "calibration date" and "calibration due date" fields to calibration wizard reports to indicate the calibration status of devices used during a calibration.
- Update the FLUKE 5820A calibrator plugin to automatically detect installed options.
[1.1.47] - 2013-8-22
- Add "measure unipolar position" mode to factory calibration wizard.
- Set data format to unsigned on program startup.
- Update AlazarRemoteConnect.exe to TeamViewer v8.0.19045 QS.
- Add gain, offset, null offset, and position correction out of range warnings to the "calibrate input" mode of the board calibration wizard.
- Fix ATS9360 maximum external clock frequency in "Configure Horizontal" dialog.
- Fix the board calibration wizard "frequency response with power correction" measurement to skip tests that require signal levels exceeding calibrator limits.
- Change "Tools | AutoSetup" to detect waveforms to 1.5 Hz.
[1.1.46] - 2013-5-9
- Add "basic" and "factory" modes to board calibration wizard.
- Fix ATS9350 slow external clock range.
[1.1.45] - 2013-4-22
- Add "Measure reflections" to the board calibration wizard.
- Add support for pulse waveforms to calibrator plugins.
- Add a plugin to control HP 8131A pulse generator.
- Add F6 shortcut to run board calibration wizard with last saved settings.
- Update the disk and bus benchmark wizards to create charts with horizontal axis units scaled to hours or minutes, rather than always in seconds.
- Add support for power measurements to calibrator plugins.
- Update the board calibration wizard "Measure frequency response" function to support calibrating the signal power from an RF signal generator using data from an average power sensor, or power calibration data from a file.
- Add a plugin to control RS NRP-Z91 average power sensor.
- Update the board calibration wizard "Measure frequency response" function to only request signal frequencies that are outside of a specified range from the Nyquist frequency.
- Change "Configure Acquire" dialog to default to one buffer per acquisition if a digitizer does not have on-board memory.
[1.1.44] - 2013-2-5
- Add support for ATS9360: 12-bit, 1.8 GS/s, 2-channel digitizer with 8-lane PCIE Gen 2 host bus interface.
- Update "Configure Horizontal" dialog to support "Advanced 10MHz PLL" external clock mode.
- Update benchmark wizards to create HTML reports with compressed PNG files.
- Fix "Configure Trigger" dialog to allow ATS860 to use AUX IO trigger enable input.
[1.1.43] - 2012-11-13
- Update ATS9870 alternate input range mode to support +/-500 mV.
- Allow plugins to specify DMA buffer size after processing.
- Add capture buffer pointer to API_START_CAPTURE structure passed to plugins.
- Update bus benchmark wizard to allow up to 2^32 buffers.
- Update calibration wizard to automatically use to "DC levels" for calibration if a board does not support pre-trigger samples.
- Fix the calibration wizard plugin page so that it no longer queries each installed plugin for an instrument identification string. This request might cause the wizard to become unresponsive for several seconds if a device was not remotely connected.
- Fix calibration wizard to use the current "disable ECC" setting.
[1.1.42] - 2012-10-2
- Add support for ATS9870 alternate input ranges.
- Update "board calibration" wizard mode page to add "measure dynamic response" option for automated measurement of SNR, noise floor, and other dynamic response parameters.
- Update "board calibration" wizard HTML reports to create compressed PNG files rather than uncompressed BMP files.
- Update "board calibration" wizard plugin page to add support for RF switch matrix devices.
- Update "board calibration" wizard report page to add "smooth lines" in charts option.
- Update "board calibration" wizard options and report pages to add mode specific advanced option dialog boxes.
- Update AlazarRemoteConnect.exe to TeamViewer v7.0.14563 QS.
- Fix a bug in the "Tools | Coprocessor" dialog that always addressed board system 1 even if two or more board systems were installed in a computer.
[1.1.41] - 2012-9-3
- Add support for ATS962x +/-200 mV input range.
- Update PluginPower.dll to change update interval units to milliseconds.
- Update German and simplified Chinese language resources.
- Increase the default DMA buffer size in the "Configure | Preferences | Advanced" dialog to 32 MB to allow the "Bus benchmark" to run without error on master-slave board systems with 2 bytes per sample and up to 16-channels.
[1.1.40] - 2012-8-3
- Update Japanese language resources.
- Fix a bug in the "Configure | Horizontal" dialog that allowed 400 MS/s internal sample rate with the ATS9310 and ATS9325.
[1.1.39] - 2012-7-31
- Update "Configure Horizontal" and "Board Properties" dialogs to add support for advanced 10 MHz PLL option.
[1.1.38] - 2012-7-27
- Add an error message to indicate that the ATS9440 does not support three-channel AutoDMA.
- Update "Configure | Horizontal" dialog to fix ATS962x decimation values and external clock modes.
[1.1.37] - 2012-7-12
- Add support for ATS9440 +/-250 mV input range.
- Add ATS962x memory size verification to calibration wizard.
- Update "Tools | Coprocessor" dialog to add user signature and user revision.
- Update "Board Properties" dialog to support PCIE 2.0 link speeds.
- Update "Configure Math" dialog to display LSB 0 or 1 data as math channel.
- Change "Configure | Horizontal" dialog to allow ATS9440 dummy clock.
[1.1.36] - 2012-4-25
- Update "Tools | Coprocessor" dialog to add Load, Store, and Reset buttons.
- Update "Configure | Horizontal" dialog to add support for ATS962x 200 MS/s internal sample rate.
- Update calibration wizard to support ATS9626.
- Add FPGA temperature to calibration report of PCIE boards.
- Update calibration wizard to add support for bi-polar or uni-polar dc-level or square wave calibration.
- Change calibration wizard to support ATS9351 PCB version 1.6 without a NULL calibration DAC.
- Change calibration wizard to use DC levels rather than sine inputs to calibrate ATS9351.
- Change calibration wizard to perform offset calibration using 16-lsb steps on digitizers with 16-bit offset DACs.
- Fix a bug in "Tools | Autosetup" that resulted in the program looping indefinitely if an auto-triggered acquisition did not complete.
- Change "Tools | Coprocessor" dialog "Reset" button to toggle the coprocessor "i_cpf_reset_n" pin.
[1.1.35] - 2012-2-24
- Add support for ATS9626.
- Add support for 400 MSPS internal sample rate to ATS9350 and ATS9351 with driver version 5.8.12 or later.
- Change "Tools" menu to enable the "Board Calibration" menu item while acquisition is running.
- Add "Load", "Store", "View" and "Reset" buttons to the "Tools | Coprocessor" dialog.
- Disable trigger interpolation by default.
[1.1.34] - 2011-12-20
- Add support for ATS9625.
- Add "Coprocessor" dialog to "Tools" menu.
- Add "PCB Revision" to "Board Properties" dialog box.
- Add support for ATS9440 PCB v1.2 with TTL external trigger source. Bug fixes
- Fix a bug that caused a program lockup when the "stream to disk" wizard was run with 1 record per buffer and 1 buffer per acquisition.
- Fix a bug in the "board calibration" wizard when calibrating master-slave board systems that caused it to fail with an error when setting DAC values.
- Change "Board Properties" dialog to display system ID and board ID in the title bar rather than the list control.
[1.1.33] - 2011-9-8
- Add "External trigger" dummy clock mode to "Configure Horizontal" dialog.
- Add "Increment" in records to "Browse File" dialog box to allow skipping records during playback.
- Change finish page of disk and bus benchmark wizards to display transfer rate measurement in bold.
- Update the "Board Calibration" wizard to calibrate the ATS9351.
- Update the manual and Agilent 33220A calibrator plugins to support inputting voltage measurements read from a voltmeter.
- Change the "Board Calibration" wizard to request DC levels rather than a square wave from a calibrator device if the device cannot output a square wave with a specified peak-to-peak amplitude and offset, but can output equivalent high and low DC levels. Bug fixes
- Fix "Browse File" dialog box to not change keyboard focus when the first or last record in a transfer, or the first or last transfer in an acquisition is selected.
- Modify "Board Calibration Wizard" to disable AC offset measurement if AC offset calibration is not supported.
- Fix a bug exporting records with pre-trigger samples MATLAB format. This bug caused the time array to contain invalid values for the times of pre-trigger samples in a record.
[1.1.32] - 2011-7-19
- Fix a bug introduced in 1.1.31 that allowed an ATS310 to request an internal sample rate of 50 MSPS, which is not supported by digitizer.
[1.1.31] - 2011-6-13
- Add support for ATS9350 "TTL" mode external trigger.
- Add support for the ATS9310, ATS9351, ATS9410,and ATS9850.
- Update the power monitor plugin to support the ATS9310, ATS9325, ATS9351, ATS9410, ATS9440, and ATS9850.
- Add a "Report" button to the "Disk" and "Bus" benchmark wizards, and save benchmark measurement data to "My Documents\AlazarTech\Benchmark". Bug fixes
- Fix a bug that caused a handle leak each time that a calibration report was displayed.
- Modify reference channels to support loading comma separated value (CSV) text files with multiple values per line.
- Fix the "Help | On the web | Downloads" URL.
- Move disk and bus benchmark wizard's transfer rate strings to resource DLLs so that the text can be localized.
[1.1.30] - 2011-2-7
- Add an "average noise" calculation to the "Spectrum Information" dialog box. This item displays the average power respect to full scale input of all bins excluding fundamental and harmonic bins.
- Change document format to html and add license agreement. Bug fixes
- Fix a bug loading binary reference channel files. If a binary file did not contain a null byte (0) in the first 256 bytes, the program would report error 222 and fail to load the file.
- Fix a bug in the "Configure Horizontal" dialog box where dummy clock parameters were not saved to the AlazarDso.ini configuration file.
[1.1.29] - 2011-1-4
- Add support for ATS9440.
- Disable FIFO mode on program startup if a board has on-board memory.
- Add "Set maximum sample rate" option to the Board Calibration Wizard "Calibration Options" dialog box to allow limiting the sample rate used during calibration and verification operations.
[1.1.28] - 2010-11-8
- Fix a bug that caused AlazarDSO to fail to start with an "application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way" error when loading an invalid configuration file.
- Fix a bug that bug that that generated invalid configuration settings if a math channel was configured to display a histogram, and then spectrum analyzer view was enabled.
- Fix a bug that caused the calibration wizard to display "an unsupported operation was attempted" error when "Manual calibrator plugin" was selected, and the "Configure" plugin button was pressed.
- Change the "Stream to Disk" wizard and "Disk Benchmark" wizard to display an error if requested to create a file whose size would exceed 16TB on an NTFS partition.
- Change the default number of samples per record from 10000 to 8192.
[1.1.27] - 2010-10-7
- Update board calibration wizard to allow AC- and DC- position calibrations.
[1.1.26] - 2010-10-4
- Add support for the ATS9325 14-bit, 250 MS/s, 2-channel, PCIe digitizer board.
- Add the "manual" calibrator plugin to the installation package. This plugin allows you to use a manually controlled function generator to calibrate a digitizer board. The plugin will prompt you to set function generator signal levels, and connect the signals to digitizer connectors as required to perform a calibration.
- Add the "power monitor" plugin to the installation package. AlazarTech PCIe digitizers include temperature sensors and A/D converters that allow real-time monitoring of on-board temperatures and power supply voltage levels. This plugin allows you to display, chart, and record these sensor values.
- Add arrows to the left of the graticule to mark the upper and lower input range of a channel, and display these markers when the vertical position, input range, trigger level, or cursor offsets of an input channel are changed.
[1.1.25] - 2010-8-9
- Add an option to the "Advanced Options" dialog box to allow selecting the temporary files directory.
- If the program can not start because the temporary files directory does not have sufficient disk space, move the temporary files directory to another local fixed disk with sufficient space, if possible. If there are no suitable disks, display a dialog box warning that there is insufficient disk space. Bug fixes
- Fix a bug that resulted in the graticule not being drawn correctly when accumulate view mode was enabled and the main window was first drawn or resized.
- Fix a bug in the "Stream To Disk" wizard "Set Multiple Record Options" page where the number of samples per buffer was validated for PCIe boards, rather than the number of samples per record.
- Fix a bug where AlazarDSO might not open an ATS9350-2G under some 32-bit Windows systems. The bug caused error (734) in the log file.
[1.1.24] - 2010-7-14
- Add "dummy clock" option to the "Configure Horizontal" dialog. A "dummy clock" is a signal generated internally by the digitizer that can be used to replace an external clock signal for a short time after the end of each record. It may be useful in scanning applications where external clock signals are unusable during horizontal retrace intervals.
- Remove external clock level in volts from "Configure Horizontal" dialog.
- Add "Disable ECC" to "Advanced Options" dialog. Use this option to control error correction on digitizers ADCs that require it to operate at their highest sample rates.
- Add bandwidth results tables and frequency response charts to the "Board Calibration" wizard's frequency response html reports.
- Add option to board calibration wizard's "Calibration Options" dialog box to use either a square wave or DC voltage levels to calibration an input channel. DC levels may be used if the calibrator device does not supply an external trigger signal, or the digitizer cannot use the trigger signal.
- Change the character encoding in calibration report files to utf-8 so that Far-Eastern characters are displayed correctly. Bug fixes
- Fix a bug where only one trigger marker was drawn for an input channel when a binary trigger engine operation was selected, and the trigger source selected for both trigger engines was the same input channel.
- Change SFDR in "Spectrum Information" dialog box to include harmonics. Previously, only non-harmonic frequencies were used to calculate SFDR.
[1.1.23] - 2010-6-21
- Add support for resizing and maximizing the main window.
- Change the "Configure Acquire" dialog and "Stream to Disk" wizard "Set multiple record options" page so that if the number of samples per record does not satisfy alignment requirements, the program suggests values that do satisfy alignment requirements.
- Change the "Configure Trigger" dialog so that when the "Enable trigger enable" button is checked and "Output" direction is selected, the trigger output signal (rather than trigger enable output signal) is output on the AUX I/O connector.
- Change the graticule font so that it has a fixed size, rather than a size proportional to the system font. This should result in better looking text with Far Eastern fonts.
- Update the program to pass AutoDMA parameters to plugin modules, and better handle AutoDMA transfers. Bug fixes
- Fix a bug that made it impossible for the Santec plugin to configure a board to generate logarithmic data.
- Fix a bug where switching from normal to full-screen mode while an acquisition was active resulted in waveforms being drawn with a noticeable staircase pattern until either the horizontal scale was changed, or the acquisition restarted.
- Fix a bug in the "Configure Horizontal" dialog external clock decimation factor for the ATS660, ATS860, or ATS9462. If the requested decimation value was greater than one, the actual decimation was one greater than requested.
[1.1.22] - 2010-5-27
- Add support for displaying waveforms with a vertical offset between the channel marker position and waveform zero level. Press the shift key and drag an input, math, or reference channel marker with left-mouse button to set the offset.
- Change "Board Calibration" wizard to save a backup copy of calibration data to file after calibration values are changed. This file can be used to restore calibration data, if necessary.
- Change the "Configure Horizontal" dialog to allow changing the ATS9350 external clock level. This option was disabled in version 1.1.20. Bug fixes
- Fix a bug that caused the display of license error (391) in log file.
- Fix a bug that displayed incorrect ToolTip text when the mouse cursor was hovered over input or math vertical cursor.
[1.1.21] - 2010-5-14
- Change "Configure Trigger" dialog to enable configuring the AUX I/O connector as a trigger enable input or output, and add a button to allow generating software trigger enable events.
- Remove "Enable FPGA debug" check box from "Advanced Options" dialog.
- Display transfer rate on "Busy" page of Disk Benchmark and Bus Benchmark wizards. Bug fixes
- Fix a bug introduced in version 1.1.19 where AlazarDSO could not open an ATS9350-2G or ATS9870-4G under 64-bit Windows. The bug caused it to report error (234) in the log file.
[1.1.20] - 2010-3-9
- Change "Configure Horizontal" dialog to disable changes to the default external clock level value with the ATS9350. The ATS9350 has an AC coupled, self-biasing external clock input, so manual changes to the comparator level should be unnecessary.
- Change "Configure Plugins" dialog box to add support for more than one active plugin.
[1.1.19] - 2010-3-1
- Draw horizontal lines to mark the input range and vertical position of an input channel whenever either value is changed.
- Add tracking horizontal and vertical cursors. If the control key (Ctrl) is pressed while dragging a horizontal or vertical cursor, both cursors will move together.
- Add "/o " command line switch to allow opening "ATB" files from the command line.
- Fix a bug in the "Stream To Disk" and "Bus Benchmark" wizards that might lock-up the application if DMA transfers from each board in a master-slave system do not complete in board ID sequence.
- Change default input impedance to 50 Ohm in "Configure Input" dialog box.
- Change the "Configure | View | Spectrum" dialog to reduce the maximum number of FFT entries in order to prevent requesting more memory that is available under 32-bit Windows.
- Change the "Calibration Options" dialog box to disable the "Override full scale input" checkbox if a board does not support amplifier bypass mode.
- Change the "Configure Acquire" dialog box to enable HyperDisp for PCIe boards only if supported by the firmware. The ATS9462 requires version 33.1 or later, the ATS9870 requires firmware 34.13, and the ATS9350 requires firmware 13.6 or later.
[1.1.18] - 2009-12-10
- Add "Remote Support" to the "Help" menu. This command runs AlazarRemoteConnect.exe, which allows you to share your desktop so that AlazarTech can provide remote support.
- Add support to detect ATS9462 LVTTL External Clock option. This option removes support for 160 and 180 MS/s internal sample rates.
- Display board option names in the F4 "Board Properties" dialog box.
[1.1.17] - 2009-11-25
- Add F9 keyboard shortcut to display the "Spectrum Information" dialog box.
- Change the "Tools | Spectrum Information" menu command so that it remains enabled while acquisitions are running.
- Add sample value in LSBs to channel tool tip when "Display extended waveform ToolTips" is selected in the "Configure View" dialog box.
- Add board serial number(s) to program title bar.
- Fix the ATS9350 "Configure Horizontal" dialog box external clock options. An ATS9350 with a "10 MHz PLL" external clock supports only a 500 MHz sample clock with decimation factors of 1, 2, 4, or values that are evenly divisible by 5.
- Fix a bug in the "Import File" dialog that limited the sample rate to 250 MS/s.
- Fix a bug in the "Spectrum Information" dialog "full scale input power" and SNRFS calculations.
- Fix a bug where changing the FFT size and then pressing the "OK" button (rather than "Apply" or "Cancel") in the "Configure View" dialog might cause a program crash with an access violation error.
- Fix a bug where exiting AlazarDSO, changing the board type, and then restarting AlazarDSO might result in an error when starting an acquisition if the "samples per record" value is invalid for the new board type.
- Fix "Tools | Acquire to File" dialog "Update screen during acquisition" option, and improve throughput.
[1.1.16] - 2009-10-26
- Add "range from horizontal cursors" radio button to "File | Save As" dialog. Use this button to select a range of samples to export with the horizontal cursors.
- Add FPGA version to "Board Information" F4 dialog.
- Add support for 125 MS/s sample rate to the ATS9350.
- Fix the ATS9870 "Configure Trigger" dialog box to disable AC-coupled external trigger inputs. The ATS9870 supports only DC-coupled external trigger inputs.
- Fix the ATS9870 "Configure Horizontal" dialog external clock options. An ATS9870 configured with a "10 MHz PLL" external clock supports only a 1 GHz sample clock with decimation factors of 1, 2, 4, or values that are evenly divisible by 10.
- Fix "Board Calibration" wizard position calibration to prevent oscillation between low and high out-of-range position values.
- Fix "Board Calibration" wizard so that test results on the progress page are displayed in red rather than green if a test fails.
- Fix a bug in "Configure Plugins" dialog that resulted in the incorrect display of plugin description information.
[1.1.15] - 2009-9-30
- Add support for digitizer boards with up to 4G samples per channel of on-board memory.
- Enable the "Tools | Calibration | Spectrum Information" menu command in all view modes.
- Change the "Configure Vertical" dialog box to save the state of the "Apply All" button.
- Add "External trigger level" to "Board Calibration" wizard "Calibration Options" dialog box.
- Change the "Stream To Disk" wizard progress window to show progress in bytes rather than transfers.
- Fix a bug where exiting AlazarDSO, changing the board type, re-launching AlazarDSO, and starting an acquisition might result in an ApiInvalidParameter error because the input range selected for the old board was invalid for the new board.
- Change title bar to display maximum samples per channel in giga- rather than mega-samples when necessary.
- Fix a bug in "Configure Plugins" dialog introduced in version 1.1.6 that resulted in the incorrect display of the plugin description.
- Fix a bug in the "Trigger Sweep" dialog where the external trigger level in volts was not displayed correctly on boards without the +/-1V external trigger input range.
- Fix a bug that caused an access violation from the "Tools | Acquire to File" command.
[1.1.14] - 2009-9-1
- Fix a bug in the "Board Calibration" wizard that resulted in incorrect DAC offset calibration with ATS310, ATS330, and ATS850 digitizer boards.
- Update the code that reads configuration files to allow forward and backward compatibility between versions.
- Fix a bug in the board simulator that generated incorrect CH B data in "traditional" AutoDMA mode when CH A was disabled.
[1.1.13] - 2009-8-13
- Fix a bug where the "pre-trigger samples" edit control was disabled in the "Configure Horizontal" dialog box when "single-ported" transfers were enabled in the "Configure Acquire" dialog box, and "FIFO" data source was selected for "dual-ported" transfers.
[1.1.12] - 2009-8-11
- Add "Measure input offset" and "Null input offset" modes to the "Board calibration" wizard. Use the "Measure input offset" option to measure input offsets error with DC or AC coupled input ranges. And use the "Null input offset" option to calibrate out DC or AC coupled offset errors.
- Remove the "Calibrate gain" check box from the "Board calibration" wizard "Calibration options" dialog box.
- Change the calibration report files to split the detailed results table into one table per channel, rather than one table for all channels.
- Fix a bug opening files saved with the ATS format.
- Fix a bug where the external clock decimation value written to the board when an internal or external clock source was selected.
[1.1.11] - 2009-7-30
- Add an option to the "Board calibration" wizard "Calibration options" dialog box to disable gain calibration. Use this option to correct for DC offset errors without affecting DC gain.
- Add support for API_SET_FILENAME plugin message to allow plugins to set the name of acquisition files created by the "Stream to Disk" wizard.
- Change "Stream to disk" wizard progress dialog to show current transfer rate in bytes per second.
- Change the "Save As" dialog to remove the "Alazar Acquisition File (ATS)" file format. It has been replaced by the "Alazar Binary Acquisition File (ATB)" format.
- Add support for ATS9350.
[1.1.10] - 2009-7-13
- Add the "Board Calibration Wizard" to the Tools menu. This wizard allows you to verify the calibration of your ATS digitizer boards, and recalibrate them it if desired. Note that this feature requires optional calibrator plugin modules, and a function generator capable of supplying the voltage levels and waveforms needed to perform the calibration.
- Add the "/autorun" command line option to automatically start acquisitions on program startup.
- Fix a bug introduced in version 1.1.6 that resulted in a warning not being displayed on program startup when physical boards were detected with the board simulator was enabled.
- Change "File | Save As" command to export all transfer buffers from an acquisition file, rather than the currently displayed transfer buffer.
- Change 64-bit Windows build to use virtual memory rather than record segment files by default. This should allow better performance under 64-bit Windows.
[1.1.9] - 2009-5-5
- Add "/s" command line option to specify the default system ID, and the "/f " options to specify the default configuration file.
[1.1.8] - 2009-4-20
- Add "Enable sample interleave" to the "AutoDMA Options" dialog box and "Stream to Disk" wizard. Check this option to enable the ATS9870 to maximize its transfer rate from on-board to host memory.
- Display "ADMA-NPT" when no-pre-trigger (NPT) AutoDMA transfers are enabled. This allows you to identify when NPT transfers are enabled.
- Add F8 short-cut key to launch the "Stream to Disk" wizard.
- Change the "Configure Vertical" dialog to add a plus or minus sign to input ranges.
- Change the "Configure System" dialog to display the board or system properties dialog when a tree control node is double clicked.
- Fix a bug that resulted in the display of incorrect waveforms when waveform averaging was enabled in the "Configure Acquire" dialog, and "FIFO" data source was selected in the "AutoDMA Options" dialog box.
- Fix a bug that resulted in the creation of ATB files with incorrect headers when waveform averaging was enabled in the "Configure Acquire" dialog.
- Fix a bug that resulted in an "invalid handle" error from the "Stream To Disk" wizard if the "ADMA buffer size" value was increased in the "Advanced Options", but the program was not restarted.
- Fix a bug that resulted in an error from "Stream To Disk" wizard if the sum of transfer rates from all enabled channels in a multi-board system was greater than the maximum transfer rate of one PCI Express card.
- Fix an error in the "AlazarDSO User Guide" code fragment demonstrating how to convert timestamp values from counts to seconds.
- Change the "Bus Benchmark" wizard and the ATS9462 5.6.12 drivers to prevent intermittent buffer overflow errors when performing ATS9462 bus benchmarks.
- Change the ATS9462 bytes per transfer requirement from 64 bytes in NPT mode, or 32 bytes in non-NPT mode, to 8 bytes.
- Update Simplified Chinese (CHS) resources.
[1.1.7] - 2009-3-13
- Fix a bug that intermittently resulted in the incorrect display of ATB files created using the "Stream to Disk" wizard if record headers were enabled.
- Fix a bug that resulted the creation of invalid ATB files from the "File | Save As" dialog.
- Fix a bug that resulted in the display of incorrectly scaled record timestamps with ATS850 and ATS860 digitizer boards. The actual timestamp value was twice the displayed value.
- Update section 4.10.3 "ATB File Format Sample Data", and add a license agreement to the "AlazarDSO User Guide".
- Update German resources.
[1.1.6] - 2009-3-9
- Add PCI / PCIe bus benchmark to tools menu. This tool allows you to measure the transfer rate from AlazarTech digitizer boards to host memory. It may be useful to verify that your PC is capable of the sustained transfer rates required for streaming. Note that this tool can be used with the following boards: ATS460, ATS660, ATS860, or ATS9462 with FPGA version 23 or above. Other boards lack firmware required for its operation.
- Add a splash screen on program startup. The splash screen is displayed during board initialization, which may take many seconds depending on the number and type of boards in your board system.
- Fix a bug in the "Configure Acquire" dialog that allowed users to request AutoDMA transfers exceeding the 4MB per transfer limit of PCI digitizer boards.
- Fix a bug where waveform tooltips were not always displayed as expected when the "Interpolate trigger position" option was enabled.
- Fix a bug in the "Configure Horizontal" dialog that set an incorrect limit on the decimation factor value.
[1.1.5] - 2009-2-17
- Fix a bug where buffer overflow errors were not correctly detected while streaming data. This resulted in error 513 in the log file.
- Fix a bug introduced in version 1.1.2 where the AUX I/O connector was always reconfigured as an input.
[1.1.4] - 2009-2-13
- Add code for testing ATS9870.
- Change "Configure Horizontal" dialog to disable external clock level controls when "10 MHz PLL" external clock is selected.
- Update to VC++ 9 SP1 runtime libraries.
[1.1.3] - 2009-2-3
- Add text describing the highlighted measurement in voltmeter mode.
- Remember channel vertical positions in each display mode, rather than using the same vertical position in all display modes.
- Add 1, 2, and 5 ns per division to horizontal scales.
- Fix a bug that resulted in error 345 in the log file when streaming multiple record acquisitions to file with the "Create ATB file in stream format" option disabled.
- Fix an error in section 4.10.3 of the "AlazarDSO User Guide" that incorrectly stated that CAPTURE_BUFFER structures were written to an ATB file when CFHF_STREAM flag is set in the file header. Only the sample data stored in CAPTURE_BUFFER structures are written to file.
[1.1.2] - 2009-1-29
- Add "Interpolate trigger position" to the "Configure Oscilloscope View" dialog. This feature helps improve the display of repetitive signals at horizontal scales that allow you to resolve sample points. The trigger position normally has a jitter of one-sample since trigger events may occur at any time between sample points. This jitter causes the trigger position in a repetitive signal to appear to shift horizontally by up to one sample point. When the "Interpolate trigger position" option is enabled, AlazarDSO calculates the trigger position in between sample points, and displays this sub-sample trigger position at the trigger marker on screen. This results in the stable display of repetitive signals by removing the one-sample jitter.
- Add "Enable AUX I/O trigger enable" to the "Configure Trigger" dialog. This option allows you to configure a board to wait for an external enable event before enabling its trigger engines. This may be useful, for example, in scanning applications where you wish to capture scan lines only after a "start of frame" event.
- Remove "number of acquisitions" from the "Set multiple record options" page of the "Stream to Disk" wizard. This simplifies the configuration of multiple-record streaming acquisitions. It also prevents the common error of specifying multiple acquisitions when multiple "transfers per acquisition" was really desired.
- Add page numbers to "Stream to Disk" wizard property sheet pages. This change should make it easier to identify pages in the wizard.
- Add the "Markers" line style to "Configure Input", "Configure Math", and "Configure Reference" dialog boxes. This option may be useful if you wish to view sample points without line segments between them.
- Change the simulator to add slew to square waves, and trigger phase error to all waveforms. This change allows the simulator to generate signals that have one-sample trigger jitter
- Fix a bug in the simulator that resulted in incorrect simulated non-interleaved AutoDMA records with pre-trigger samples when multiple records per transfer were requested.
[1.1.1] - 2009-1-15
- Change default action on double-clicking the "Plugin" text in the graticule to show the configuration dialog of the currently selected plugin.
- Add an option to disable checking for signal out of range.
- Fix a bug where the number of samples per channel was incorrectly calculated on loading ATB files in multi-board systems. This resulted in error 653 in the log file, and partial data displayed using the "Browse Records" dialog.
[1.1.0] - 2009-1-6
- Add the "limit memory allocated per channel" option to improve program functionality under 32-bit Windows with board systems that have 128 MS or more of on-board memory per channel. Previous versions required 64-bit Windows to work with such systems.
- Add a "Signal out of range" warning if a signal is greater than a channel's input range.
- Add UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW, CTRL+UP ARROW, and CTRL+DOWN ARROW keyboard shortcuts to navigate between records in a multiple record capture.
- Add LEFT ARROW, RIGHT ARROW, HOME, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, CTRL+LEFT ARROW, and CTRL+RIGHT ARROW keyboard shortcuts to navigate within a record of a capture.
- Change the "Configure" menu "Load..." and "Load Recent" commands to copy settings from the selected file to a working configuration file rather than using the selected file as the working configuration file.
- Fix a bug that might cause an invalid memory access error if a plugin was active while switching between board systems.
- Fix a bug where "automatically set memory options" claims to disable "capture during display" but the program continues to use "capture during display" anyway.
[1.0.22] - 2008-12-14
- Fix a bug in the "Stream To Disk" wizard where selecting "multiple record" type acquisitions would result in buffer overflow errors when saving to disk.
- Fix a bug in the "Configure Horizontal" dialog where the trigger delay could not be modified if "no pre-trigger mode" was enabled.
[1.0.21] - 2008-12-12
- Fix a bug in the "Stream To Disk" wizard "multiple records with pre-trigger samples" or "multiple records without pre-trigger samples" modes where the number of transfers per acquisition was not correctly set.
[1.0.20] - 2008-12-5
- Add code for internal testing of ATS9870
[1.0.19] - 2008-12-3
- Add Disk Benchmark Wizard to allow users to verify that their drives are capable of the sustained write speeds required for disk streaming.
- Add support for FPGA FFT plugin.
- Add support for detecting a buffer overflow during asynchronous transfers.
- Update DEU and JPN resources.
- Fix a bug that made it impossible to display the data recorder plugin configuration dialog after installing the Santec plugin.
- Fix a bug in the "Stream To Disk" module that might result in the display of an incorrect transfer time and rate.
- Fix a bug in the "Stream To Disk" module that might result in starting a DMA transfer after streaming is aborted. This would result in an ApiDmaInProgress error message on the start of the next acquisition.
[1.0.18] - 2008-10-31
- Add support for exporting FlexPro and MATLAB files in the "Create one file per channel" file export option.
- Fix bug in "Save As" dialog exporting math channel data spanning multiple transfers.
- Fix bug where replacing one board with another of a different type would result in AlazarDSO using settings from the old board on the new one.
- Update Japanese resources
[1.0.17] - 2008-10-28
- Added support for Master/Slave ATS9462 boards. Data streaming to host PC memory was proven at 100 MS/s for four simultaneous channels (total of 800 MB/s) on Dell T7400 machine running Vista 64 bit.
- Added support for pre-trigger samples to ATS9462 with FPGA version 21 or above. Up to 2048 points of pre-trigger data can now be specified
- Added "Single" mode to trigger modes combo box. This allows users to do a single-shot acquisition.
- Added "Create one file per channel" option to "Stream To Disk" wizard and "Save As" dialog box. This allows users to select between exporting one file per record, or one file per channel.
- Added vertical line at trigger position when dragging the trigger level.
- Added bookmarks to "AlazarDSO User Guide" PDF file.
- Added file format section to "AlazarDSO User Guide".
- Fix bug where AlazarBeginCapture was called on all boards rather than just the master.
- Fix bug where disabling both channels on one board in a system with multiple boards generates an error.
- Fix "Configure Horizontal" dialog to allow trigger delay when FIFO streaming enabled.
[1.0.16] - 2008-10-20
- Fix a bug that caused the program to start as un-restorable icon on the taskbar after the program was closed while minimized.
- Fix data recorder plugin to hide chart when plugin is disabled.
[1.0.15] - 2008-10-10
- Add preliminary support for ATS9870
- Change "Configure Horizontal" dialog to disable external clock level when the board does not support it.
[1.0.14] - 2008-10-9
- Add external clock level to "Configure Horizontal" dialog.
- Change external clock types for ATS9462 and ATS860
[1.0.13] - 2008-10-7
[1.0.12] - 2008-10-6
- Change "Stream To Disk" wizard to warn if file is too big for FAT32 partition
- Change "Stream To Disk" wizard to allow formatting removable disks.
- Change "Board Properties" dialog box to display board options as a hex rather than decimal value.
- Fix minimum value of ATS9462 "fast" external clock range in the "Configure Horizontal" dialog.
- Fix a bug in "Stream To Disk" wizard where changing the trigger source in the "Configure Trigger" dialog caused an access violation error.
- Fix a bug in "Stream To Disk" wizard where disk space updates stopped after formatting a disk.
- Fix a bug which caused an access violation when displaying the "create directory failed" error message.
[1.0.11] - 2008-9-11
- Change "Fix" button in "Stream to Disk" wizard to suggest changing records per transfer before changing samples per record.
- Update French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese language resource DLL's.
[1.0.10] - 2008-8-27
- Update CHS and CHT resource DLL's
[1.0.9] - 2008-8-27
- Add "Stream To Disk" specific records per transfer, transfers per acquisition, and enable record header parameters.
- Change the ATB file format to add support for saving dual-ported transfers directly to file, make this the default format for "Stream To Disk", and add a configuration parameter to disable this option.
- Add the F4 shortcut key to display the board information dialog in all languages.
- Add "/s" command line option to enable simulator
- Change board property dialog to display calibration date in locale format
- Change contact information in user guide and license error message.
- Fix validation of samples per record in "Configure Acquire" dialog
- Fix a bug that might cause the PC to freeze after changing the AlazarDSO user interface language.
[1.0.8] - 2008-7-21
- Fix bug creating ATB files with non-continuous data
- Fix bug displaying intermittent vertical lines around acquisition state text
- Change trigger sweep dialog button defaults
- Change code to reduce number of calls to ATSApi.dll AlazarGetSystemHandle
[1.0.7] - 2008-7-7
- Remove short delay in non-continuous acquisitions in "Stream To Disk" mode to improve performance.
[1.0.6] - 2008-7-3
- Change "Alazar Text Records" and MATLAB export file formats to write sample times including record timestamps.
- Fix file cache problem causing slow file writes during non-continuous streaming.
- Fix "Stream To Disk" wizard "Export File" page to validate directory only when export enabled
- Fix access violation when logging AlazarReadRegister parameters.
- Change "Configure Horizontal" dialog enable "Trigger delay" during "Stream To Disk"
[1.0.5] - 2008-6-30
- Add ATSApi.dll trace function
[1.0.4] - 2008-6-15
- Change "Stream To Disk" wizard to add "Alazar Text Records" and "Alazar Binary Records" to "Stream To Disk" to export file formats.
[1.0.3] - 2008-5-26
[1.0.2] - 2008-5-12
- Change "Stream To Disk" wizard to allow streaming if not saving to disk.
- Change "Stream To Disk" wizard to move "Trigger position (%)" from "Multiple Records" page to "Board Configuration" page.
- Change graticule drawing code to display a vertical line while dragging trigger.
- Change "Help | Send Feedback" menu to add ".AlazarDSO.ini" file to attachment list.
- Change "Board Information" dialog to add peak transfer rate.
- Change "Stream To Disk" wizard to fix display of transfer rate when "Finish" button is pressed from "Select Mode" page.
- Change board system to abort master before slaves.
[1.0.1] - 2008-5-9
[1.0.0] - 2008-4-27